
발제자 이수택 대표 _월드 그린에너지 포럼 2012
unido 2024-09-24

*2012년 11월 1일 게시

World Green Energy Forum 2012


Statement by Dr. Soo-Taek Rhee





유엔은 사회적 개발수요를 만족시키기 위한 목적과 어려움에도 불구하고 국제 개발협력에 있어 많은 긍정적인 결과를 달성하였습니다. 최근 국제개발협력은 지속 가능한 개발을 위한 국가 간의 협력방안 마련, 급격히 증가하는 남-남 협력 및 이를 효율적으로 전달하기 위한 새로운 글로벌 파트너쉽의 설립을 필요로 하고 있습니다. 이러한 국제사회가 필요로 하는 새로운 협력관계를 지원하기 위하여 한국은 한국의 개발경험을 이용한 지식공유사업(KSP)과 같은 제도 구축을 통해 지원할 수 있습니다. 좋은 예로 녹색산업과 녹색산업화 정책 같은 수단이 있습니다.

한국적 경험을 지원하며 정책을 수립하기 위하여서 저는 다음과 같은 4가지 제안을 하고자 합니다.


먼저, 개발정책은 공여국의 필요보다는 개도국의 수요에 맞추어야 합니다.

두 번째로 원조자금의 지원보다는 지속 가능한 발전을 위한 개도국의 역량강화가 필요합니다.

세 번째로, 한국의 개발경험을 나누기 위한 효율적인 공유수단을 마련하는 것이 필수적입니다.

마지막으로, 개발협력 정책의 효율성 제고를 위해 다양한 이해관계자간의 네트워크 구축은 반드시 되어야 하며  선행되어야 할 것입니다.


저희 유엔산업개발기구의 투자 및 기술공유사업은 향후 한국 개발협력체제의 새로운 협력가능성을 제시할 것입니다. Post-MDG의 의제 선정에 관한 한국의 적극적인 참여와 노력을 더욱 확대하기 위하여 한국의 지식 및 경험 공유사업을 지원하는 데에 아낌없는 준비를 하도록 하겠습니다.





Your Excellencies, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,


One of the most urgent tasks of the international community is now facing is how to bring about “balanced” economic and social development in a possibly shortest period of time.


This is one of the UN’s four main purposes of its establishment, stipulated in its Charter in 1945.



to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom,


to employ international machinery for the promotion of the economic and social advancement of all peoples,"


By these resolutions of the World Community, various UN organs and specialized agencies, like UNDP, UNIDO have been established.

Since its establishment, UN and its subsidiary organs and specialized agencies have been, and are now, and will be playing a central role in this agenda.

While there could be many controversies over the role of the UN in this regard and we can say that the progress has only been partial, and too slow than we have expected, however, international development cooperation has achieved many positive results, I believe.

To name a few, the Rio +20 Conference held in June this year and the High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness in Busan last December would be good examples.


There have been substantial and substantive change in the concept of "development."




Now, I would like to turn to three apparent issues of international development cooperation in today's world.


First is how we cooperate towards “sustainable” development.

Second is south-south cooperation.

And, the third issue is to make an institutional paradigm for global partnership.


Twenty years ago, international community has adopted a new concept of development at the Rio conference, that is, "sustainable development." Since that time on, there have been severe debates going on: what is sustainable development, what should be the burden sharing ratio between developed and developing countries, etc. One thing, international community agrees on this issue now, I believe, is sustainability in development is irrevocable.


The United Nations General Assembly in 2003, formally opted to use the term South-South in describing cooperation among developing countries. Historically, South-South cooperation was promoted only by the governments as a model to exhibit "South-solidarity" for collectively influencing the international political and economic order. This traditional model has now evolved into a more dynamic innovation and knowledge driven industrialization in the South by linking multiple stakeholders, including the private sector firms, universities, R&D institutions and civil society organizations, to name a few.

The rich diversity of the South provides an excellent opportunity for forging mutually beneficial partnerships to work towards the common goal of economic growth, industrial development and poverty reduction. The trend in South-South cooperation have been quite encouraging. Developing countries are now increasingly investing in each others' economies. In 2003, these investment accounted for 37% of the total FDI in all of the developing countries. Trade within the South has also risen significantly, representing around 30% of their global trade.


UN Secretary General Ban submitted his Annual report to the General Assembly 2011, under the agenda item on "Accelerating progress towards the Millennium Development Goals: options for sustained and inclusive growth and issues for advancing the United Nations developing agenda beyond 2015." In this report, he proposed comprehensive, interesting and timely suggestions on "Creating a stronger United Nations." He introduced a system-wide coherence concept, cooperation with various regional organizations, strengthening partnerships with civil society, engaging business community, etc.


In these new environment of international development issues, what would be the role of the Republic of Korea?


Regarding the above-mentioned three issues or trends, the role of Korea has been dramatically increasing in the international community.

South Korea has a proven record of its rapid economic, social and political  development as well as environmental protection. Many developing countries are determined to follow the Korean development model and willing to share the Korean experiences.


I would like to introduce my own experience.

April this year, I made a mission trip to several developing countries. In one country, I had business meeting with a permanent secretary for trade and investment in that country. He asked me what was the per capita income in Korea early 1960s. I answered to him that it was around one hundred US dollars. he asked me again what is the current one. I replied him it would be around 25,000 USD. And then, he asked his colleague, a director who is in charge of FDI matters. What was the PCI in the early 60s and what is the current one in that country. The director answered that it has been 500 USD with no change. After hearing all these, the Perm-secretary pleaded me what country other than Korea can be a model for that country's economic development!


Many developing countries are eager to see Korea's more active participation in their development process. They really want to have more stronger cooperative relations with Korea.


This phenomenon, I believe, mandates Korea to set up a framework of institutional cooperation for knowledge sharing with developing countries, especially in the green industry and greening of industrial sector.




In this context, I would like to note the following four suggestions for Korea's policy considerations.


First, the development policy should be tailored to the needs of the recipient countries rather than the donor countries.

The final document of Busan partnership for effective development cooperation is aptly describing this as "Ownership of development priorities by developing countries" and it says that partnership for development can only succeed if they are led by developing countries, implementing approaches that are tailored to country-specific situations and needs.

For some recipient countries, however, infrastructure development to enhance their basic living standards may be more urgent than adopting expensive a-state-of-the-art industry.

Korea's genuine role is here. If Korea can participate in the very beginning stage, in the very early stage of planning economic development of one country and can share its economic development experience, it would be very helpful and meaningful to the economic development of that state.


Second, not only the aid support but also the recipient country’s capacity-building should be facilitated to make its development “sustainable”.


Korea, in this connection, provides an excellent example where, after the Korean War, it utilized the aid support from outside most effectively and efficiently for its own capacity-building.

As a result, within just 50 years, Korea has become one of the world’s largest trading partners and tenth largest economic power.


Third, this experience of Korea makes it critical to establish an effective channel of knowledge sharing with developing countries.


The institutional cooperation framework to facilitate this channel should be made comprehensive.

Public and private stakeholders, academia, research institutes, international organisations and NGOs should be able to partake and contribute their own expertise. One important thing which cannot be overemphasized by all means is effective coordination among various players. effective and efficient coordination is a must and very prerequisite for a successful implementation of development cooperation policy.


Fourth, UNIDO is a specialized agency of UN in “sustainable” industrial development.


It promotes business partnerships for investment and technology sharing between developed countries such as Korea and developing countries.

So I believe that, in this respect, UNIDO can also contribute to the future framework of development cooperation in Korea.




Lastly, I would like to mention that the post-MDG process has just begun very recently. July this year, UN SG Ban appointed High-Level Panel of Eminent Persons on the Post-2015 Development Agenda. In this Panel, Korea is represented by its Foreign Minister, Mr Kim Sung-Hwan. This panel will advise the SG and issue its report through SG to the UN General Assembly.


UN will start its consideration and sooner or later will decide key issues/agenda for new development goals after 2015.


I believe Korea should partake more actively in this process and make itself more visible in the process of determining future development agenda beyond 2015. In order to do this, it is my sincere wish that Korea can be more open and ready in expanding its financial contributions as well as sharing its development knowledge and experiences with developing countries.


Before closing, my acclamation should go to Gyeongsangbuk-do and its top leadership for taking this initiative of hosting this kind of international conference to enhance the international partnership and cooperation on sustainable development.

I am confident that knowledge sharing and business partnerships in the green sector between Korea and developing countries will be given much attention in the context of the post-MDG process. UNIDO ITPO Korea is ready to cooperate with Gyeongsangbuk-do for furtherance of its lofty cause of international cooperation.


Thank you all.
