
[페루] “2019 기업가 서밋” 참가
unido 2024-09-13
*2019년 12월 12일 게시

지난 12월 4-5일, 페루 리마에서 열린 "2019 기업가 서밋"에 UNIDO ITPO Korea가 참가하였습니다. 리마 지방정부(MML)와 페루기업가협회(ASEP)가 주최한 본 행사는 페루 기업가의 경쟁력을 높여 글로벌시장에서의 가능성을 향상시키기 위해 기획되었습니다. 이틀 동안 기업가 훈련, 멘토링, 페어 등 다양한 부대행사가 진행되었고, 우수기업 20개를 포함한 100명 이상의 기업가들이 부스를 열어 각 상품과 서비스를 소개하고 판매하였습니다. 
ITPO Korea도 자체 부스를 운영하여 현지 기업가들에게 Advisory Programme을 소개하였습니다. Advisory Programme는 페루 민간 부문에 한국 투자를 증진시키기 위한 ITPO Korea의 프로그램으로서, 한국 기업들에 페루의 비지니스 기회에 대한 정보를 제공하고 확신시킴으로 한국과 페루의 기업이 매치메이킹 될 뿐 아니라 페루와 한국의 관계가 개선을 도모하고 있습니다.

On December 4th and 5th, UNIDO ITPO Korea participated in the “Entrepreneurs Summit 2019”, organised by the Metropolitan Municipality of Lima and the Association of Entrepreneurs of Peru (ASEP). The Summit aimed at raising the level of competitiveness of Peruvian entrepreneurs and improving their possibilities in global markets. It took place at the Exposition Park in Downtown Lima.

During this two full days event, free trainings were organized on topics such as sales, digital marketing, innovation, business plan, financing sources, electronic invoicing, social networks, branding, among others. The trainings were carried out by the Municipality of Lima, ASEP, telecommunications and digital companies, as well as successful national and international entrepreneurs, and also leading professionals in their respective field.

Moreover, the Summit also held mentoring session, where attendees were able to solve their business questions together with a group of outstanding professionals, who guided them to make better decisions and transfer knowledge to helped them grow in their business.

Finally, there were stands at the Fair Zone where more than 100 entrepreneurs, including the 20 best enterprises strengthened by the Economic Development Management of the Municipality of Lima, displayed and sold their products and services. It was an opportunity to meet potential customers, suppliers and a point of contact for future businesses.


On the other hand, UNIDO ITPO Korea also held a stand during the Summit and utilized the opportunity to inform the attendees about the “Advisory Programme,” which is oriented in attracting Korean investments to the Peruvian Private sector, with especial emphasis to SME’s. It will also strengthen the trade relationships between Peru and Korea. It was explained that UNIDO ITPO Korea will help matchmake with Korean companies in its respective economic sector, by promoting and disseminating Peruvian business opportunities to Koreans companies.


For further information: https://asep.pe/index.php/events/cumbre-emprendedores-2019/



