
[페루] “혁신과 지역경제성을 위한 과학기술단지” 주제의 국제 심포지엄 참가
unido 2024-09-13
*2019년 12월 11일 게시


지난 10월 29일, UNIDO ITPO Korea는 페루 리마에서 열린 "혁신과 지역경제성을 위한 과학기술단지" 주제의 국제 심포지엄 참가하였습니다. 본 심포지엄은 산학간의 협력을 도모하기 위한 과학기술단지의 필요성을 알리기 위해 페루 과학기술위원회 (CONCYTEC)의 주최로 개최되었습니다
대학, 지방정부, 상공회 등이 모이는 자리를 마련하여 지식공유를 위해 타 국가의 과학기술단지 사례를 나누고, 과학기술단지룰 통한 혁신과 경쟁력 향상에 대한 페루의 가능성에 대해 토의하였습니다. UNIDO PCP의 National Coordinator인 Cesar Llona도 전문가들과 함께 본 심포지엄에 초청받았습니다. 내년 심포지엄에서는 UNIDO ITPO Korea가 한국 전문가와 함께 페루의 혁신과 경쟁력 향상을 위해 협력할 예정입니다.


On October 29th, UNIDO ITPO Korea participated in the International Symposium “Technological Scientific Parks as an Instrument of Innovation and Regional Competitiveness”, organized by National Council of Science, Technology and Technological innovation (CONCYTEC). This was a space where specialists who participated agreed on the need for these parks to have direct relationships between the private sector and the academy. This event took place at the INICTEL Auditorium in San Borja, Lima

The open remarks of this Symposium were given by Gabriela Sobarzo Arteaga, Sub Director of Innovation and Technology from CONCYTEC, were she stated that CONCYTEC wants to promote that technological scientific parks needs to promote the transfer of technological knowledge, maintain formal links with at least one university or research institutes and companies; and that it should become research development centers  Furthermore, Ms Sobarzo mentioned that it was recognize in Peru the lack of technical organizations that allow the real link between the academy and the industry, and currently there are six technological scientific parks initiatives that have requested CONCYTEC technical assistance.

Moreover, she argued that technological scientific parks are instruments that allow universities and research institutes to develop technologies to improve the capacity of the regions where they are located, through the development of new products and processes, taking into account innovation and competitiveness


Meanwhile, Alejandro Rivera, Regional Project Developer of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), considered that when generating a technological scientific park, it should take into consideration the 5 C’s: Capital (ways of attracting risk capital), Communication (means to inform the social environment about the benefits that it will generate), Capacity, Content and Collaboration.

Moreover Mr. Rivera also mentioned that in the modern cycle to encourage that innovation becomes part of a technological science park it must be taken into account knowledge, technology, product, company and customer; so that the product or process can be evaluated within the same park.

Additionally, Mr. Cesar Llona, National Coordinator from UNIDO PCP was invited to be part of a discussion among experts.


Finally, this international symposium was aimed to generate a meeting and knowledge transfer space to support institutions including universities, local governments and chambers of commerce so can  work on technological scientific park initiatives, show the experiences of other countries regarding the operation of these projects and identify the potential that Peru has as an instrument for the development of innovation and competitiveness. In the next Symposium in 2020 UNIDO ITPO Korea will collaborate with a Korean expert on this important field.


For further information: https://portal.concytec.gob.pe/index.php/noticias/1943-parques-cientificos-tecnologicos-como-centros-de-transferencia-del-conocimiento-tecnologico


