
[페루] “재활용을 통한 순환경제” 주제의 국제 심포지엄 참가
unido 2024-09-13
*2019년 12월 10일 게시

지난 10월 24-25일, UNIDO ITPO Korea는 "재활용을 통한 순환경제"라는 주제로 페루 산이시드로(San Isidro)에서 개최된 국제 심포지엄에 참가하였습니다. 본 심포지엄은 페루 시민사회단체 Reciclame과 National Society of Industries (SNI)가 주최하였고, 페루에서의 재활용 활성화를 위한 연구와 활동을 도모하고, 한계와 기회들을 인식하고, 공적 대화를 활성화하고, 페루를 비롯한 세계 각국의 제조자들에게 공동 책임에 대한 인식을 제고하기 위해서 개최되었습니다. 
다양한 강연자들 중 SNI, GEA Group, 유럽연합, 미주개발은행,  리마 상공회의소, 리마 지방정부,  ITP red Cite, Banco de Alimentos del Perú, 페루와인생산협회, 페루환경부, 페루생산부, 코카콜라, 디아지오 관게자가 포함되어 있었었습니다. 
본 심포지엄을 통해 페루 산업 순환경제의 로드맵에 산업 분야의 참여를 촉구하였습니다. 국가적 차원의 순환경제로의 전환을 위한 인식 제고 및 확산 역시 중요한 주제였습니다. 특히, UNIDO PCP의 National Coordinator인 Cersar Llona도 전문가들의 패널 토론에 사회자로 참여하였습니다. UNIDO ITPO Korea는 본 심포지엄에서 기업가들과 네트워킹을 통해 페루, 캄보디아, 에티오피아에서 새로 도입된  ITPO Korea의 Advisory Programme에 대한 정보를 제공하고 추후 협력을 도모하였습니다. 


On October 24th and 25th, UNIDO ITPO Korea participated in the I International Symposium "Recycling towards a Circular Economy", organized by the civil association “Reciclame” and the National Society of Industries (SNI), it was a space to promote research and coordination for the development of recycling in Peru, identifying gaps and opportunities for their respective execution, encouraging the creation of a public dialogue table privately and analyzing the implementation of the shared responsibility of the producer in Peru and the world. This event took place at the Hotel Melia in San Isidro.


The open remarks of the Symposium were given by the Minister of the Environment of Peru (Minam), Ms. Fabiola Muñoz, and she mentioned that there is a multisectoral look in favor of the new environmental approach. “All sectors are involved in this new vision of the circular economy. From Minam we are promoting knowledge and actions that allow us to move to a circular economy, which has also been incorporated as a priority guideline in the National Competitiveness and Productivity Plan”, she stated.

Furthermore, she added: “The recovery of solid waste is first, but we must not fail to meet the gaps in solid waste, so to date we have 48 landfills in 19 regions, and the projection to 2021 is to have 72 landfills and 7 transitory cells in our country”.


Important speakers were present in this symposium from the National Society of Industries (SNI), GEA Group, European Union, Inter-American Development Bank, Innóvate Peru, Lima Chamber of Commerce, the Metropolitan Municipality of Lima, the Technological Institute of Production (ITP red Cite), Banco de Alimentos del Perú, Association of Winemakers of Peru, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Production, Coca-Cola and Diageo. Internationally speakers came from: Cempre Brasil, Cempre Colombia, Ecoembes España, Ecoce México, Tetra Pak® Mexico and Owens Illinois Colombia.


Furthermore, the symposium, set industry contributions for the road map of the Industrial Circular Economy. Likewise, it will be considered to create a sensitization and dissemination process at national level of the circular economy in the industry for the care of the environment. Additionally, Mr. Cesar Llona, National Coordinator from UNIDO PCP was invited to be a moderator for a panel discussion among experts. Finally, the presence of UNIDO ITPO Korea during this event was a good opportunity do networking, meet and interact with entrepreneurs to let them know about the “Advisory Programme” and newly implemented in Peru.


For further information: https://andina.pe/agencia/noticia-minam-propone-impulsar-acciones-enfoque-economia-circular-770932.aspx


